Fletcher Elementary School
MCj03967000000[1] MCj03078960000[1] MCj03966820000[1]

Borrowing privileges for library books are available to all students.  Students must pay for damaged or lost library books and textbooks (library books $2-$35 and textbooks $10-$60) before additional books will be available for them to check out.  In addition, damage to the Bar Code on books will result in a $5.00 charge. 

Please help your child with the following things:

1.    Help to develop a love of reading by enjoying the book with your child.

2.   Remind your child to have clean hands when reading books, to use a bookmark, to turn the pages carefully and to not write or draw on books.

3.   Help your child find a quiet place to read.

4.   Remind your child to return books on time. (He/she may renew them if necessary.)

5.   Send damaged books to school for repair.

6.   Help your child find a place for his/her library book which is out of reach of pets or little brothers and sisters.

Fletcher PRIDE in the Library

Positive Attitude

Follow Directions.


Return books on time and use shelf markers.


Use books and equipment properly.


Keep on task.


Whisper and let others work.