Students with Special Needs
Did you know that the population of students at Panorama is incredibly diverse? Not only do children at Panorama speak more than ten different languages, and represent nearly a dozen ethnicities, many of our students have special needs. It is the mission of the Panorama Staff to work with each individual child, taking into account each learning style, language fluency, background and need. Here in the USA, special needs is a term used in clinical diagnostic and functional development to describe individuals who require assistance for disabilities that may be medical, mental, or psychological.
As we all seek to better understand the people around us, the following websites might be useful for you.
Allergies and Asthma at School
Attention Deficit Disorder: A definition and fact sheet
Attention Deficit Disorder- Pediatric information
Learning Disabilities & Juvenile Diabetes
What is Oppositional Defiant Disorder?
Excellent set of articles on Conduct Disorders