Page 9 - OUSD High School Course Catalog
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COURSE CATALOG 2017-2018                                                                   P a g e  | 9


                L516 *

                Offered at Orange High School only
                Applied Medical English challenges students with rigorous English Language Arts content as they explore questions regarding
                medical ethics, study how culture informs health care decisions, and examine other key elements of careers in Health Science.
                Applied Medical English could be part of a Health Science and Medical Technology Academy as an advanced course in a
                sequence of English and health science courses.
            ENGLISH/LANGUAGE ARTS   This is a college-level course designed for 12th grade students who have achieved the level of reading and writing skills
                L996 *^

                generally expected of first-year college and university students. Students will engage in perceptive reading and critical
                analysis of literature. They will consider structure, meaning, value, relationship to contemporary experience, as well as the
                times in which the literature was written. Writing will include exposition, argument, critical analysis, personal narrative, and
                fictional or poetic forms.

                L994 English 12 *^
                  L511 English 11 *^
                Offered at Canyon High School only
                Language and Literature Higher Level introduces the critical study and interpretation of written and spoken texts from a wide
                range of literary and nonliterary genres. The formal analysis of texts is supplemented by awareness that meaning is not fixed
                but can change in respect to contexts of production and consumption. IB Language and Literature is organized into four parts,
                each focused on the study of either literary or non-literary texts. Together, the four parts of the course allow the student to
                explore the English language through its cultural development and use, its media forms and functions, and its literature. Students
                develop skills of literary and textual analysis, and the ability to present their ideas effectively. A key aim is the development
                of critical literacy.
                READ 180

            ENGLISH LANGUAGE SUPPORT   Offered at Canyon and Orange High School Only

                This year-long course, based on the California academic content standards for English Language Arts, K-12, is designed to
                enable ninth through twelfth grade students who are below or far below grade level in English Language Arts to improve their
                reading comprehension and increase their understanding of narrative and expository text structures,  including academic
                reading, functional reading, informational reading and technical reading, in order to learn more effectively from subject matter
                textbooks in science, history/social studies, math, and English.

                Prerequisites: Students identified as scoring a Level 2 (Standard Nearly Met) or a Level 1 (Standard Not Met) on California’s state
                Lexile Level at Below or Far Below Grade Level. English learners at CELDT levels 1-5 and struggling RFEPs who are performing
                below or far below grade level.

                standardized ELA assessment or as below grade level as measured by a standardized reading assessment. Reading Comprehension

              KEY   * meets UC approval for “A-G”   ^ meets course requirements for NCAA
                 An “E” at the end of the course number indicates that the class is offered online through Virtual Learning
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