OUSD News - 2016

Enrollment in Progress for 2016 Summer School Programs

ORANGE, CA - May 24, 2016 - Orange Unified School District is excited to offer its annual summer school programs for students in grades 6-12 at the District’s high school and middle school sites from June 22 to July 28. Classes will be held Monday through Friday, with the exception of the holiday on July 4.

The 2016 summer school program offers a wide variety of courses including the opportunity for students to pursue credit recovery, enrichment, and acceleration. Many of our new opportunities allow students to engage in STEAM, take accelerated coursework, college classes and Advanced Placement preparation. These opportunities are offered in response to the Local Control and Accountability Plan survey feedback. Most courses are five units of credit and meet one to two times per week, with the majority of the course work being done online. Registration is currently in progress for all summer school programs.  Please see your child’s counselor for enrollment forms and registration.

High School
The following summer school original credit courses for students are being offered at the high schools for incoming students in grades 9 through 12.

Original Credit Online and Blended Online Courses (weekly class meeting required):
Business Applications
Computer Science 1A/1B
Essential Career Skills
Freshman Seminar
Game Development
Intermediate Health Science
Information Technology
Introduction to Health Science
Probability and Statistics

Face-to-Face Courses:
English Learner Academy
Advanced Placement Academy

Santiago Canyon Community College Courses:
Math 60 (Algebra 1) - Meets Monday through Thursday at Orange High School
Math 70 (Geometry) - Meets Monday through Thursday at Canyon High School
Math 80 (Algebra II) - Meets Monday through Thursday at Villa Park High School

Middle School
A Science Technology Engineering Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) Academy is being offered at the District’s three middle schools and McPherson Magnet.   Each of the programs offered will be unique and highlight an area of science. Please see the school site for additional details and dates.


The Orange Unified School District educates approximately 30,000 students in the Cities of Orange, Villa Park, Anaheim, Garden Grove, Santa Ana and county areas.  The school district, founded in 1953, encompasses 108 square miles.  The District office is located at 1401 N. Handy Street, Orange, California.

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