Page 14 - OUSD Strategic Plan 2017-2020
P. 14

8 Areas of State Priority

                               State Priority and Priority Goals


               Main Goal: Student and parent engagement will be promoted through an increased
               sense of safety, improved school climate and school connectedness.

               In order for our students to become career and college ready, it is essential that they experience teamwork,
               networks, and a sense of community in order to understand how they fit and impact the larger local and
               global contexts.

                                   Goal 5:  All parents will have opportunities to participate in workshops, activities,
                                   stakeholder engagement trainings, utilize resources and services, as well as, provide
                                   input in decision-making practices at the District and schools, with an emphasis on
                      Parent       English Learners, Low Income, Special Education, Gifted and Talented Education
                   Involvement     (GATE), and Foster Youth students, to become true partners in their child's education.

                                   Goal 6:  All students will participate in engaging college and career pathway
                                   programs, technology, digital literacy, and resources and support systems that

                      Pupil         will increase student attendance.


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