Page 10 - User Friendly Budget
P. 10
Enrollment Trends
Declining Enrollment and Average Impact of Declining Enrollment
Daily Attendance (ADA) The revenue generated by one student pays
for a portion of the classroom teacher and supplies
Approximately 80% of the District’s revenue is
generated from the Local Control Funding Formu- as well as a small portion of each support service
la. The funding is based on the average number of provided by the district. For example, if a district
students in daily attendance (ADA). Enrollment is experienced a decline of 30 students and they all
very important; it is even more important that stu- came from the same classroom, the district could
dents enrolled also attend school on a daily basis. operate with one less teacher, but a support service
OUSD has an outstanding daily attendance rate of like Transportation would not realize any reduced
96.2%, approximately 1 point higher than the state- cost.
wide average. Furthermore, if a decline of 30 students oc-
The ADA projection for 2017-18 included in curred, but each student was from a different class-
the Budget is 24,780, not including charter schools. room, the district would most likely still need the
Compared to 2016-17 this reflects a decline of 526. same number of teachers and therefore, expendi-
Declining enrollment is anticipated to reduce ADA tures would remain the same (except for savings
by 520 in each of the next two years. District char- on instructional supplies), but the revenues would
ter schools have a projected ADA of 2,163 that be reduced by approximately $250K. It is very
generates separate revenue for those schools. difficult to reduce expenditures to compensate for
revenue losses without making significant program
ADA projections are revised after the October reductions. A conservative staffing approach and
census day and each attendance reporting period. reserves have helped the district weather declining
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