Page 21 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
P. 21

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         •  December 18, 2015
         •  January 11, 2016
         •  January 22, 2016
         •  February 8, 2016
         •  February 19, 2016
         •  March 7, 2016
         •  March 18, 2016
         •  March 25, 2016
         •  April 18, 2016
         •  April 29, 2016
         •  May 9, 2016
         •  May 20, 2016
         •  May 27, 2016
         •  June 6, 2016
         •  June 17, 2016
         Annual Update:                                                          Annual Update:
         The stakeholder involvement process repeated the same pattern as the year   Additional staffing, services and programs have been added in section 2
         prior.  The process began in early September through emails and         detailing the specific information regarding how the OUSD will meet the needs
         announcements at staff and parent stakeholder meetings regarding the access  of all learners, especially English Learners, low income, Foster Youth, special
         to the annual online survey.  All leadership have been directed to include LCAP  education, advanced learners and at-risk learners. One over arching area that
         review at their stakeholder meetings as well as solicit input via the online   seems to continue to be voiced is the need for more parent education
         surveys. This year we added a few more meetings as stakeholder groups as   available on a variety of themes to be offered by departments or at the school
         compared to last year.  All students 6th grade to 12th grade were invited to   sites. A suggestion was made to incorporate ED 100 a free online support for
         take the online survey at their sites to get the voice of the students.  Our   parent education provided by the California PTA. In regards to input on LCAP,
         Special Programs and Accountability Department provided sites with updates   we want to explore different avenues in gathering stakeholder input from our
         weekly on number of respondents on the survey to help site leaders promote   younger students as well.  The survey is not geared for them and we may want
         the survey input process.  Principals encouraged student participation and   to construct a new survey or do focus groups at elementary sites to gather
         some even set goals for their entire community to get involved with the survey  information. We are also considering meeting as High School Feeder patterns
         and held celebrations if they had higher number of respondents from year   of schools or clusters to discuss LCAP and invite input about our programs and
         prior. This included inviting our community partners each site has relationships  services.  Via our stakeholder survey we also see that request for more
         with to take the survey and provide meaningful input into our programs and   information on how to get our students college and career ready.  Suggestions
         services from their perspective.   Next year we would like to have a Foster   were about more widely publicized college nights and career fairs and to be
         Youth Advisory Committee through our Student and Community Services     sure to invite the elementary level students to these events.
         department as well as other youth focus group discussions surrounding our
         LCAP goals and actions.
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